There's a lot of knowledge and content everywhere, but it's really hard to find quality stuff that interests you. I thought I'd maintain a list of what I read and watch regularly or have been immensely moved or educated by.
Aggregations of interesting and informative pieces of writing.
There's too much bad media everywhere, and it's hard to get the "real story" in well-phrased readable form. These guys do a good job. I personally use Longform to consume news from multiple sources, and highly recommend it.
It wouldn't be feasible to list all movies I've watched and enjoyed. I'm particularly fond of semi-fictional/non-fictional movies and I watch a ton of documentaries, so here are some that I found particularly moving.
There's obviously way too vast an expanse of academic papers that are impactful in many ways most of us do not recognize. This collection merely represents some papers that I found "really cool".
My favourite TV series. Would definitely recommend.
One stop source for humor when you can't watch a video.
Think I'm missing something? Do you have something you think I should know about? Shoot me an email at
or get in touch with me on any other form of social media. I'd love to see it!